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The Datamaxx Group, including Datamaxx Applied Technologies, Datamaxx Enterprise Intelligence, and Datamaxx Professional Services, is the premier provider of communication systems, support and consulting to law enforcement, criminal justice and government organizations. No other group of companies offers the depth of industry expertise, breadth of product capabilities, and the ability to bring it all together with world-class integration and support.
With over 10,000 installations serving more than 70% of the law enforcement communications market, the Datamaxx Group has been setting the standard for the industry nationwide since 1991. Superb engineering, significant investments in research and development, and the talent of dedicated industry professionals have led to numerous accolades and rave reviews, but most importantly, fierce customer loyalty.
The U.S. Army Research Office (ARO) mission is to seed scientific and far reaching technological discoveries that enhance Army capabilities. Basic research proposals from educational institutions, nonprofit organizations, and private industry are competitively selected and funded. ARO's research mission represents the most long-range Army view for changes in its technology. It is the only Army organization that transcends all of its mission areas: commander-fire support; close combat; air defense; combat support; combat service support; solider support; command, control, and communications. In all respects, the ARO program is the designated organization for the entire spectrum of Army activities extending from research to development to acquisition. ARO priorities fully integrate Army-wide, long-range planning for research, development, and acquisition.
The roots of research are in the scientific and engineering disciplines, namely aeronautics, biology, chemistry, electronics, geosciences, mathematics, mechanics, metallurgy, physics, and so on. Many innovations are a direct result of fundamental changes in this science base. In recognition of these roots, the ARO program is organized along scientific disciplinary lines. This is the natural way in which the resident national talent base interfaces with the Army.
The mission of the SAIT Laboratory is to serve as a focal point for members of different academic disciplines, government, and industry to carry out world-class research and to advance the practice and public awareness of information technology security and assurance through education and public service. SAIT Laboratory is established in response to Presidential Decision Directive 63, which calls for a comprehensive national effort to address the information security problem, including private-public partnerships, and increased education, training, research, and development.
To meet the needs of the combined constituencies, the focus of SAIT is simply on innovation and learning. The primary research function of the Laboratory is to provide an environment to foster world-class, applied research in information security technology. The Laboratory provides facilities that are used for research and graduate level teaching in security and information assurance, allowing security projects that are not safe to conduct using the regular campus computing facilities.